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Библиотека :: История :: Латинской Америки :: История Мексики :: АЦТЕКИ: ИМПЕРИЯ КРОВИ И ВЕЛИЧИЯ
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n—photo by Peter T. Furst/National Institute of Anthropology
and History, Mexico; Werner Forman Archive, Dr. Kurt Staven-hagen 
Collection/National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico. 54: From 
Mexico by Michael D. Сое (3d ed.), Thames and Hudson, New York, 1984. 55: Photo 
by Peter T. Furst—Rene Percheron/Artephot/ National Institute of Anthropology 
and History, Mexico. 56: Smithsonian
Institution, National Museum of the American Indian neg. # 17846—from Mysteries 
of the Mexican
Pyramids by Peter Tompkins, Harper 8c Row, 1976 (2). 59: Salvador
Guilliem; G. Dagli Orti/IGDA, Milan. 60: Kaz Tsuruta. 61: Fine Arts Museums of 
San Francisco, bequest of Harald J. Wagner. 62: From Mysteries of the Mexican 
Pyramids by Peter Tompkins, Harper 8c Row, 1976. 63: Michel Zabc. 64, 65: 
Richard A. DieM; William M. Ferguson and Mes-oamerica's Ancient Cities. 67: 
Rene Roland. 68, 69: Werner Forman Archive,
London; Salvador Guilliem/ National Institute of Anthropology and History, 
Mexico—G. Dagli Orti, Paris. 70, 71: Art by Time-Life Books; background William 
M. Ferguson
and Mesoamerica's Ancient Cities.
72, 73: Photo by Peter T. Furst/ National Institute of Anthropology and History,
 Mexico (2); background Eberhard Thiem, Lotos Film, Kauf-beuren. 74, 75: Art 
Institute of Chicago;
background Compania Mexi-cana Aerofottx 76, 77: G. Dagli Orti, Paris; 
background Companfa Mexi-cana Aerofoto. 78, 79: Photographed by Saburo Sugiyama 
(2). 80: Werner Forman Archive, London. 82, 83: From Aztechi by Eduardo Matos 
Moctczuma, photo by Salvador Guilliem,
Editorialc Jaca Books, Milan, 1989. 84: Kenneth Garrett, art in gold by Fred 
Holz. 86: Kenneth Garrett/National Institute of Anthropology
and History, Mexico—Scala, Florcnce/Biblioteca Nazionalc Ccn-trale, Florence. 
87: Werner Forman Archive, London/Museum fur Volkerkunde, Basel. 88, 89: Michel 
ZabcVNational Institute of Anthropology
and History, Mexico. 90: Bodleian
Library, Oxford (4)—courtesy John Carter Brown Library at Brown University. 91: 
Eberhard Thiem, Lotos
Film/Museum fur Volkerkunde, Vienna—Bodleian Library, Oxford (4). 92, 93: 
Enrique Franco Torri-jos—British Museum, London; copied by Donato Pineider, 
Florence/ Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence.
96, 97: Werner Forman Archive/Pigorini Museum, Rome— British Museum, London. 
100: Photo by Peter T. Furst/National Institute of
Anderson, Arthur J. O., and Charles E. Dibble (Trans.). The War of Conquest. 
Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1978.
Aveni, Anthony F., and Gary Urton (Eds.). Ethnoastronomy andAr-chaeoastronomy 
in the American Tropics.
New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1982.
Baquedano, Elizabeth. Aztec Sculpture. London: British Museum Publications,
Batres, Lcopoldo. Teotihuacan: La Ciudad Sagrada de Its Tokecas. Mexico
City: Talleres de la Escuela N.
de Artes & Oficios, 1889.
Bcrdan, Frances F.: The Aztecs. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989. The 
Aztecs of Central Mexico: An Imperial Society.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982.
Bemal, Ignacio:
Anthropology and History, Mexico. 101: Nick Saunders, London/National Institute 
of Anthropology and History,
Mexico; background Eberhard Thiem, I^tos Film, Kaufbeuren. 102: Michel 
ZabeVNational Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico. 104, 105: Salvador 
Guilliem—from the catalogue Art of Aztec Mexico: Treasures ofTenochtitlan, 
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C./ National Institute of Anthropology 
and History, Mexico. 106: Miguel Salgado from The National Museum of 
Anthropology, Mexico," *Pedro Ramirez Vazquez, 1968, Panorama Editorial, Mexico.
 107: Copied by Donato Pineider, Florence/Bibliotcca Medicca Laurenziana, 
Florence. 109: Museo de America, Madrid. 110, 111: Mark Godfrey/D. Brown 8c 
Assoc.; an by Fred Holz. 112: Art by Fred Holz—Michel ZabeVNational Institute 
of Anthropology and History,
Mexico. 113: Kenneth Garrett/ National Institute of Anthropology and History, 
Mexico (2). 114: Art by Fred Holz—Enrique Franco Torrijos/ National Institute 
of Anthropology and History, Mexico; Salvador Guilliem/National Institute of 
and History, Mexico. 115-117: Kenneth Garrett/National Institute
of Anthropology and History, Mexico. 118: Michel Zab
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