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Ñòðàíèöà: èç 50
VNational Institute of 
Anthropology and History,
Mexico (3). 119: Mario Carrieri, Milan/National Institute of Anthropology
and History, Mexico; Michel ZabeVNational Institute of Anthropology
and History, Mexico. 120: Michel ZabeVNational Institute of Anthropology
and History, Mexico. 121: Art by Fred Holz; Michel ZabeV National Institute of 
Anthropology and History, Mexico—Salvador Guilliem/National Institute of 
and History, Mexico. 122-123: Art by Fred Holz—Michel ZabcVNational Institute 
of Anthropology
and History, Mexico (3). 124: Renc' Percheron/Artephot/National Institute of 
Anthropology and History,
Mexico. 126, 127: Bob Schalkwijk/National Institute of Fine Arts, Mexico. 128: 
Eberhard Thiem, Lotos Film, Kaufbeuren. 131: Bib-liotheque Nationale, Paris. 
132: National
Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico—Debra Nagao/ National Institute 
of Anthropology and History, Mexico. 133: Richard Townscnd, Art Institute of 
Chicago— art by Time-Life Boob. 136: Bodleian
Library, Oxford. 137: Werner Forman Archive/Museum fur Volkerkunde, Hamburg. 
138: Werner Forman Archive, London—photographed
by J. Oster/Musce de l'Homme, Paris. 139: Salvador Guilliem/National Institute 
of Anthropology
and History, Mexico—photo by Peter T. Furst. 140: Bibliotheque de 1'Assemblce 
Nationale, Paris. 141: Copied by Donato Pineider, Florence/Bibliotcca Medicca 
Florence—Bodleian Library, Oxford. 142: Werner Forman Archive/Museum fur 
Volkerkunde, Basel—Foto Dietrich Graf/Museum fur Volkerkunde SMPK, Berlin; 
Werner Forman Archive, London; Werner Forman Archive/British Museum, London. 
143: Rene
Percheron/Artephot/National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico.
144: Bodleian Library, Oxford— photo by Peter T. Furst. 145: Photo by Peter T. 
Furst/National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico. 146, 147: John 
Carlson, Center for Archaeoastronomy—G. Dagli Orti, Paris—Scala, 
Florence/Bibliotcca Nazionale Centrale, Florence. 149: Bodleian Library, Oxford.
 150: Michel Zabc—copied by Donato Pineider,
Florence/Biblioteca Medicca Laurenziana, Florence. 151: Copied by Donato 
Pineider, Florence/ Bibiiotcca Medicca Laurenziana, Florence;
photo by Peter T. Furst— Foto Dietrich Graf/Museum fur V6lkerkunde SMPK, Berlin.
 152: Werner Forman Archive, London— Salvador Guilliem/National Institute of 
Anthropology and History, Mexico—Bodleian Library, Oxford. 153: Copied by 
Donato Pineider, Florence/Biblioteca Medicca Laurenziana,
Florence—Eberhard Thiem, Lotos Film, Kaufbeuren. 154: Eberhard
Thiem, Lotos Film, Kaufbeuren; Werner Forman Archive/Museum fur Volkerkunde, 
Berlin. 155: G. Dagli Orti, Paris—Werner Forman Archive, London/British Museum. 
156: Werner Forman Archive/National Institute of Anthropology and History,
Mexico—British Museum, London.
157: Eberhard Thiem, Lotos Film, Museum fur Volkerkunde, Vienna;
copied by Donato Pineider, Florence/Biblioteca Medicca Laurenziana,
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